Interested in theatre but always wondering what is behind the scenes? Want to know how a theatre production is done? Yun’s Lab can be your keys to the stages. Our producers, designers, and directors will share their first-hand experiences in theatre with you, and walk you through every phase of a theatre production. You will also have the opportunity to work on a mini-production yourself!
对戏剧感兴趣,总想知道幕后到底藏了什么秘密?想搞清楚一场戏是怎么创作出来的,但苦于没有学习机会?我们听到了你的心声!快来加入戏有云耗时数月为你贴身打造的Yun's Lab,解锁戏剧制作的通关秘籍!🎭 你将会认识一群履历丰富且超会玩的制作人、设计师和导演,带你步步拆解戏剧制作的每个流程。从脑洞大开的策划,到舞台上的灯光布局,统统都有!最让人激动的是,你将亲自下场,制作你的首个短剧!🔥准备好踏上这趟独特的学习的旅程了吗?
March 2 to May 18, weekly on Sundays, expect for the 11th week. There will be a open-to-public showcase session in the 11th week for your self-made productions, presumably on 5/10 evening and 5/11 afternoon. This showcase involves load-in, tech, dressed rehearsals before the performances, and strike afterward. We would need everyone to be available from the evening of Friday 5/9 to the evening of Sunday 5/11.
This is a 12-week project, with an average estimated 3-7 hours per week (3 hours in class + 0-4 hours after class).
Primarily at Cherry Street Village (720 25th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122). The theatre for our performance is yet to be confirmed.
上课地点为 Cherry Street Village (720 25th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122)。演出场地待定。
The entire workshop will be conducted in Mandarin. Some scripts used in the workshops may be in English.
$180, that's only $15 per class (!!!). Student discount: 50% off.
Due to the limited number of seats available, please submit the form first. We will contact you for tuition payment once you have successfully signed up.
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