SeaUni is a Chinese queer and trans feminist collective in diaspora, most of our members are in Seattle.
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
SeaUni (@seauni.openmic) 是 Seattle Unicorn/Unity/Universe 的缩写,同时也是“海胆”的意思——外表带刺,内心柔软。Uni这个名字受到了温哥华酷儿女权开放麦UniCome的启发。SeaUni 的创立也受到了戏有云 (@Yun Theatre)、纽约女子主意 (@nvzizhuyi)、温哥华 UniCome (@unicome.vancouver)和DC 女权脆脆的 (@crispydcfeminists) 的大力帮助。在这里我们接纳并鼓励被主流社会边缘化的群体大胆开麦,看见和支持彼此。
SeaUni (SeaUni大胆开麦)is Chinese queer and trans feminist collective in diaspora, most of our members are in Seattle.
SeaUni is short for Seattle Unicorn/Unity/Universe. It also means sea urchin(a.k.a uni). Covered in sharp spines, it has the soft pieces inside the shell. In Chinese, uni is “海胆”(haidan), where “胆”(dan) also means “courage”. Here we embrace and encourage marginalized groups to tell their story, see and support each other through Mandarin Queer Feminist open mics and other events.
University Heights Center
On the 17th birthday of Huang Xiaodi, a transgender girl from China, the whole family gathered to celebrate her birthday. After dinner, her ...
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
SeaUni大胆开麦 | 酷儿女权开放麦成立一年了,在这个过程当中我们听到了许多打动人的、真诚的、或是笑中带泪的故事。听过别人的分享,是否唤起了你的回忆或共鸣?你是否也有跃跃欲试想要分享的故事,却总是缺乏一个上台的契机?
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
在你寻找自由的过程中,你或许在踽踽独行,又或许你已经找到了志同道合的伙伴。11月12日7PM,SeaUni大胆开麦邀请你来到 “那一刻,我自由了“酷儿女权开放麦专场,我们一起“在风雨中抱紧自由”。
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
University Heights Center
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